Resolute Mining Limited

ASX (AUD): Resolute Mining Limited (RSG)

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Today's Change

-0.005 (1.36%)

Day's Change

0.36 - 0.375

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Reported Currency in USD
Last 10 FY Result (Thousand)
31/12/23 31/12/22 31/12/21 31/12/20 31/12/19 30/06/19 30/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 CAGR
Revenue 631,073 651,129 549,242 602,985 459,526 445,548 327,301 415,868 414,183 352,166 7.09%
PBT 96,324 -14,105 -327,789 -6,435 -58,767 -13,718 57,178 127,637 125,577 -431,283 -
Tax 4,791 20,560 39,682 30,045 17,465 -3,670 -24,645 17,220 -9,067 912 21.52%
NP 65,577 -34,665 -367,471 -36,480 -76,232 -6,956 48,167 104,794 128,414 -385,523 -
Tax Rate -4.97% - - - - - 43.10% -13.49% 7.22% - -
Total Cost 565,496 685,794 916,713 639,465 535,758 452,504 279,134 311,073 285,769 737,689 -3.07%
Ratio Analysis
31/12/23 31/12/22 31/12/21 31/12/20 31/12/19 30/06/19 30/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 CAGR
NP Margin 10.39 -5.32 -66.91 -6.05 -16.59 -1.56 14.72 25.20 31.00 -109.47 -
Per Share
31/12/23 31/12/22 31/12/21 31/12/20 31/12/19 30/06/19 30/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 CAGR
EPS 0.03 -0.03 -0.30 -0.03 -0.08 -0.01 0.06 0.13 0.18 -0.47 -
EPS Diluted 0.03 -0.03 -0.30 -0.03 -0.08 -0.01 0.06 0.13 0.17 -0.47 -

PBT = Profit before Tax, NP = Net Profit, NP Margin = Net Profit Margin, EPS = Earning Per Share, EPS Diluted = Earning Per Share Diluted.

NP Margin, QoQ & YoY figures in Percentage; EPS & EPS Diluted figures in Cent.

All figures in '000 unless specified.

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