News Corporation

ASX (AUD): News Corporation (NWS)

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-2.14 (3.80%)

Day's Change

52.18 - 54.65

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Reported Currency in USD
Last 10 FY Result (Thousand)
30/06/24 30/06/23 30/06/22 30/06/21 30/06/20 30/06/19 30/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 CAGR
Revenue 10,085,000 9,879,000 10,385,000 9,358,000 9,008,000 10,074,000 9,024,000 8,139,000 8,292,000 8,633,000 1.74%
PBT 546,000 330,000 812,000 450,000 -1,524,000 354,000 -1,089,000 -615,000 181,000 56,000 28.76%
Tax 192,000 143,000 52,000 61,000 21,000 126,000 355,000 28,000 -54,000 134,000 4.07%
NP 266,000 149,000 623,000 330,000 -1,269,000 155,000 -1,514,000 -738,000 177,000 -147,000 -
Tax Rate -35.16% -43.33% -6.40% -13.56% - -35.59% - - 29.83% -239.29% -
Total Cost 9,819,000 9,730,000 9,762,000 9,028,000 10,277,000 9,919,000 10,538,000 8,877,000 8,115,000 8,780,000 1.24%
Ratio Analysis
30/06/24 30/06/23 30/06/22 30/06/21 30/06/20 30/06/19 30/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 CAGR
NP Margin 2.64 1.51 6.00 3.53 -14.09 1.54 -16.78 -9.07 2.13 -1.70 -
Per Share
30/06/24 30/06/23 30/06/22 30/06/21 30/06/20 30/06/19 30/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 CAGR
EPS 0.46 0.26 1.06 0.56 -2.16 0.26 -2.60 -1.27 0.30 -0.25 -
EPS Diluted 0.46 0.26 1.05 0.56 -2.16 0.26 -2.60 -1.27 0.30 -0.25 -

PBT = Profit before Tax, NP = Net Profit, NP Margin = Net Profit Margin, EPS = Earning Per Share, EPS Diluted = Earning Per Share Diluted.

NP Margin, QoQ & YoY figures in Percentage; EPS & EPS Diluted figures in Cent.

All figures in '000 unless specified.

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